How Nick helped me to be more me – Art2Life Workshop Experience
I want to talk about a time when I was struggling with confidence – in myself and my art. I’ve blogged previously about how difficult it is to call yourself an artist.
Can you relate to this, too?
Being self taught, it can be difficult – almost impossible – to call yourself an “artist”. Even people with a formal art education struggle with it! I don’t know why people feel so precious about this word, if you make art, you’re an artist. That’s it.
I think it comes from a lack of confidence in your art making skills. Once you know how to do things, and why you do them, the confidence builds. But getting there… oh it’s hard.
It’s a surprisingly common problem …. So common, in fact, that my friend and colleague Nicholas Wilton has decided to address it in his upcoming free training called, the Art2Life Workshop
It is…
Totally free
Held online — so you can watch from anywhere in the world
Starting on February 14, 2022 (available on-demand to watch for an entire week)
Designed to help you make art that is much more like you (and more impactful, too)
I loved last year’s workshop so much that I will be taking it again this year.
Click here to save your seat in the Free Art2Life Workshop too!
Nick has been making and teaching art for over 25 years, and he is known for helping artists push their art to exciting new places (or simply find the confidence to claim “artist” as their title for the very first time).
In the workshop, he will be talking about how to overcome struggles like confidence in your art and yourself by mastering what he has called the “Art2Life Process”.
Specifically, he will be covering the first 3 (and most important) stages in the Art2Life Process, including:
Why so many people with lots of education, degrees and experience still struggle to make art they love
How to master composition in a way that will quickly elevate your art
How to strengthen your discernment — that internal compass — that tells you when to go further, pivot, or pull back with your art
How to create a beautiful kind of depth and balance in your art
How to add a vibrant new level of dimension AND subtleness to your work with a perspective on color you haven’t heard before!
How to feel more confident in your creative choices — so you can begin making art MORE like YOU.
These ideas are simply not taught in art school (at least not in the way Nick teaches them) and most artists are left on their own to figure out why things aren’t working.
So how about a shortcut instead?
Once I understood these concepts, making art I loved became so much easier…much more fun… and it began happening way more often! I am painting daily now, and having so much fun doing it – there’s never any stress, because I know I can “fix” whatever is wrong with my painting, as long as I keep working through the principles Nick has taught me. I also have no trouble saying to people “I’m an artist”, and when they are interested, talking more about my work. For someone who is more than a little introverted, this is a huge step for me!
If you want to make 2022 the year that you stepped up bigger and more boldly for your art than ever before…
Then joining Nicholas in the free Art2Life Workshop is the perfect first step.
I hope you’ll join us!