Gallery Open for 1 Month – So Grateful – Thank You!
The gallery has been open now for a month, and I need to say a big “Thank you” to everyone who has stopped in to visit, made a purchase, ordered custom made products, shared or liked my posts on social media, told their friends about the gallery and otherwise shown their support…….
It really means the world to me!
At this point I have the gallery open Wed – Sun from 10-4, but I definitely plan to increase those hours over the summer months. The new Artisan Trail Map is out and I’ve got my flyers in the visitors centres, and signs! I finally got a sign up at the end of the road so people know I’m actually up here!
I’ve been working hard at getting the gallery open and stocked with not just original art, but also of course my clothing line, art prints and a variety of craft / gift items. At this point it’s all “me”, so I have to have a bit of a limit on what I can try to do, but I think I have some interesting things in the works….
I am working on some larger paintings – they are giving me a bit of grief and moving slowly. There are also many completed smaller artworks (paintings and collage) in the gallery that I have not loaded to my website – not sure if I will or not with these smaller pieces. It’s difficult to strike a balance on the website between too much, not enough, and generally not leading to confusion as to what I actually have to offer! This is the problem with having so many interests – toying with the idea of “splitting” my art and design products, website, email list and even branding. But they do go so well together I’m sort of reluctant to do that. And it’s all me … maybe I’m talking myself out of that right now.
I’m looking forward to a fabulous summer in Fourchu with the gallery open. Of course we are shrouded in fog at the moment, but there’s a rumour going around about a sunny 25° coming up later this week. We shall see….